Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Aquarium Hydrometer 0-100ppt & 1.000-1.070 Salinity Specific Gravity

  •  Hard Case unit 
  • Resale Quality - 50% heavier than the soft case cheap units 
  • 5 year warranty 
  • Dual Salinity Scale - 0-100ppt & 1.000-1070 Salinity SG 
  • Local stock for fast shipment

Brand new Salinity Refractometer that is used to measure the salinity levels of saltwater aquariums and the worlds oceans. Calibrate with either distilled water or a 35ppt Salinity standard. Wipe off the saltwater after each use. This unit comes with Automatic Temperature Compensation or "ATC". This feature allows you to get a reading outdoors when the temp is between 50'F-86" (10'C-30'C). If you test outside of temp range your readings will become gradually more and more inaccurate. For best results, test indoors. No batteries necessary as you only need strong light - daylight (sunny or cloudy) or a lamp/flashlight.
Price: $20.98
This Product is well manufactured and of sturdy design, It arrived needing no calibration and works well. I must mention customer service. When this product arrived it arrived in a padded envelope, however, the case for the refractometer was severely damaged in shipping. The case is constructed of pretty thin/brittle plastic with an excellent amount of internal padding, great for storing and handling household wear and tear but not so good for a shipping case. When it arrived and I saw the case I figured "oh well Im not going to send this back for a broken case the refractometer still worked great(probably due to its rugged/sturdy design and the amount of foam padding inside the case) and I will just live with it. I did however leave shipping feedback to the effect of what I mentioned earlier. Well I check my mail less than a week later and lo' and behold there is a brand new case(double wrapped in padded I didnt ask for a new case but this company took it upon themselves to go ahead and ship me a new one! Customer service! this is why I now give this product/company 5 stars

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